The Cabbage Code
The Cabbage Code is a community-focused ARG game that spans multiple mediums and websites. It was designed to be difficult to complete alone, and instead encourages collaboration with friends and family around the world in order to solve.
Getting to the end will require creative thinking and a keen eye. The clues will be plentiful, but the hints will be sparse...So get creative, find the clues...and CRACK THE CODE!!
Fun Facts
Developed solo over the course of a week for Honest Jam II
The entire game is comprised of 2 unique WebGL builds, a custom website, a "live" (pre-recorded but broadcasting) Twitch stream, and a bot to manage the live stream remotely
Was the first game Jared developed with a limited "shelf life." The live stream component has since been deactivated (though the code is still crackable thanks to the stream's "offline" screen).
- Developers: Jared Slawski
- Development Period: August 2021 (Casual week-long game jam)
- Development Tools: Unity Engine (C#), SquareSpace, Twitch